bloodless pale creature passing tumbling, leaning towards construction of cold steel
tongue in cheek, a fist in your face and down your throat or up your ...
inside out and upside down, boy, you turn me - take your skin off and open up your heart. show me your intestines bursting from your belly like latest fashion jewellery glamorous entertainment
dig deeply at the bottom of thy soul to find Eve's rotten apple still guarded by the snake.
fragile plaster cast papa lifting belly, compared with ma's old sponge / clumsy dangler's dangling dagger versus pudding crotch, still horny.
staring in the air
or at each other
whilst waiting for something
playing silly games to waste their time
competitive comparisons
who's better off? who isn't or worse?
mad successors of the Eastern Romans sculpted artisans just to expel those into exile who would refuse their contributution to the leader's giant palace.